Lifestyle series: meet my friend Thav, from Montreal

thav profileWe all live in different parts of the world and have a lifestyle that is our own. Let’s celebrate everyone’s unique way of living life in this exclusive interview series!

This week, my friend Thav Chhieng, a singer/composer from Paris, is telling us about his adoption city: Montreal!


Could you describe your city in a few words and tell us why it is so special to you?

Montreal is a very dynamic city! You can always find something to do here cause we have lots of events every week, if not every day! The best festivals in the world are in Montreal! Most importantly: Montrealers are the nicest people ever! And doors are pretty open here. I love Montreal very much because my friends are so sweeeet and because the city offers more chances and opportunities than anywhere else to artists like me.


What is a typical day in the life of Thav?

First thing on my mind when I wake up: ‘What am I gonna wear today?’ Coming from Paris, I’ve learnt to be superficial. Still, now that I’m here, I dress as simple as possible to ‘fit in’ with the people in the street! So a typical day starts with me putting on a Tee-shirt and a cap on my head. Then I’ll be rushing to see my friends, go to Kpop or Hip Hop class with them, take a bubble tea together, check the ads in search of the words ‘Singer wanted’, and basically always discovering a new place and asking my friends tons and tons of questions about it. Hopefully the night should end in a club or in company of a romantic date.


Can you share with us some of your favourite places?

When I first came to Montreal, there was a place I would often go to named ‘NosThés’. It’s a Taiwanese venue/bar/restaurant in the gay Village where they make the most delicious bubble teas in the galaxy! Seriously! I would go so often that I became friends with the whole staff, cause everyone there is so kind! Still in the Village, there’s that club called ‘Apollon’. I go there nearly every week because they have great events. Some nights you can go there to play video games on a huge screen on stage! You can imagine what it’s like when we all play ‘Just Dance’ there…

montreal village

Finally, a quote about your city?

I got this one from a beggar and I thought it was major! It sums up very well my vision of life since I started a new one here: ‘If you fear change, leave it here!’ 🙂


More lifestyle interviews soon, stay tuned!




